Wednesday, April 15, 2009


i forgot i had a blog.
haha. i feel stupid.
i forgot i have something that i can tell ANYTHING to. YAYYYYYYYY

haha. so if you know me in the polyvore world, you know that I made a set yesterday saying that I wanted to look extra cute because my crush's friend told my friend he was gonna ask me out today...TOTAL LIE! he knew i liked him, a lot. so he pranked me and totally thought it was funny to get my hopes up. but it was NOT so funny to me. i've been crying for at least a couple hours over that and a few more things including my tense relationship with my bestfriend, my grandma getting cancer(for the 4th time), my boy troubles, and my friend Emilie from school going anorexic(no joke). her mom's making her transfer to this rehab school because she lost like 75 pounds in 3 1/2 months. i feel so bad. i knew she had been getting teased and was insecure. all of us(her friends) always defended her, but we never knew it was gonna get this serious...

just writing this makes me cry even more. so right now my life is beyond suckish, you don't even know. and thanks to anyone who is actually reading this. because i know most people don't like putting up with my so-called crappy attitude.

well other than that...just boring school stuff.

BUT OMG! SCHOOL DANCE TOMORROW! yayyyy. since i have no boy(whateverrr), i'll be on the dance floor with my boyfriend-less friends i guess. haha. this might be the actually only good thing about this week. woohoo!!!

so i guess that's all I have to say. thanks to the few people reading this!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bye Lovies

Wow...I suck at blogging. But unfortch my life just isn't that interesting, so I barely ever write stuff. UPDATE: Still pissed at Miranda. She dug deeper with something I don't want to discuss, but let's just move on. I'm leaving tomorrow for spring break. Sorry for the short post!
Info below(click on set):
I'm leaving tomorrow morning
I'm leaving tomorrow morning - by on

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I don't want to make a big welcome and talk about me blog because I'm pretty sure you'll learn about me through this blog. Even though I doubt anyone is reading this.

So today we started on some stupid project in Social Studies. We have to make a map of China...yeah. And in Language Arts we had a guest speaker come and talk about poems. The most boring 30 minutes of my life.

I just wanted to say one thing. This is inspired by Susie. I swear I'm going to end up telling this blog more than my friends. Because one of my best friends is currently being a word I don't want to use. But what the hell, right? She's being a full-on bitch. Yeah, I'm a bad-ass, huh? lol

She's toally clueless...or she's a good actress. Here's our conversation(trying my best to re-create it)

At Lunch:
Me: Bored so I walk over to her table(yes, she's like my second best friend and she blew me off for her new popular friends) and am just sitting there, hoping she'll actually talk to me.
Me: Hey Miranda
Miranda: Oh, hey. *then goes back to laughing about some inside joke*
Me: Whatcha laughing about?
Miranda: Just...nothing *she gets pissed at me when I do this...whatever*
Me: Walking away all mad

On the Bus:
Miranda: Hey guys *my other bestie was sitting next to me*
Me: Ignoring her
Miranda: Whaaa? Why are you mad at me?
Me: Isn't it kinda obvious? I'm pissed because you have been treating us like crap and blowing us off for your new friends
Miranda: Gets all huffy and turns back to her seat. turns back for one last word...Are you saying I can't have new friends?
Me: There's a difference between getting new friends and blowing off your old ones

Aaaand, it just went downhill from there. And no doubt she'll be back tomorrow morning at the busstop begging for forgiveness as usual. But this time I'm not giving in. I'm tired of being treated like crap and am NOT gonna take it anymore.

Oh, and here's something girls can understand. Got my period today. Feel bloated, crampy, and I feel hot even though it's freezing. Oh the joy of adolecense, right? NOT

So to wrap up my day, I...
hate schoolwork
figured out this blog is kinda my new-found confidence
am super-mad at my friend
hate mother nature